Tips buat yang maen suka nge hang atau crash atau kelempar ke desktop
Penyebab permasalahan biasanya : leak of memory =yaitu pemakaian memory hanya 3 gb padahal kalo punya ram 8 gb jg bisa crash, karena kebacanya tetephany 3 gb
Ini berarti karena virtual memory nya di disable
Biasa yang pake ssd didisable nih fitur buat meningkatkan peforma dan memperpanjang umur ssd
Virtual memory nya jangan di matiin
Kalau hanya ada hdd secondary nyalakan aja virtual memory di hdd ke 2
Kalau hanya punya 1 ssd terpaksa di nyalakan
Kalau saya si ei auto by system di hdd ke2 saya yg berfungsi sebagai storage
Soalnya bingung perhitunganya gimana
Cara Mengaktifkan dan set virtualcmemory':
If you change warnings that your virtual hardware is low, you'll requisite to amount the peak situation of your paging record. Windows sets the initial minimum filler of the paging record equal to the assets of random hit module (RAM) installed on your computer, and the maximum situation equalised to ternary nowadays the assets of RAM installed on your computer. If you see warnings at these recommended levels, then increase the peak and maximum sizes.
- Open System by clicking the Start button , right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties.
- In the left pane, click Advanced system settings. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
- On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.
- Click the Advanced tab, and then, under Virtual memory, click Change.
- Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.
- Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.
- Click Custom size, type a new size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB) box, click Set, and then click OK.Note
Increases in filler usually don't say a uphold for the changes to assert meaning, but if you modification the size, you'll pauperism to continue your machine. We propose that you don't invalid or censor the paging file